Our purpose
Our purpose is very clear as laid out in Scripture: To GO, to MAKE DISCIPLES, and to BAPTIZE them. We are here to preach, teach and make disciples. We are not here to build stone buildings, install water systems or any other external thing. However, because of our love for our neighbors and to show them the love of Christ we do these things. We want their children to have a good education, we want them to have clean drinking water and good health services. We see these "projects" as another opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus. Each project we do is carefully considered as how it will better help us do that. As a missionary our primary objective is seeing people believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and then to grow in Him through His word.
Its all about Jesus, without Him all else seems meaningless.
Paul Said " I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ..." Phil. 3:8


It is truly amazing to think that in the last month alone God brought in the funds to build the clinic! We will still be lacking funds to outfit the clinic with all the things needed, roughly $9,000 but we are sure God will provide. Thanks so much for your support of this project.
Health Clinic
Mara Girls Home
The Children's Home is running at full steam. The school break at the end of the year is a long one (2 months!) and the kids are doing great. It is amazing to see how happy they are and how their lives have changed. They actually have a warm bed and food in their stomachs at least 3 times a day, sometimes more:) Dominic and Judith are doing an amazing job, we love them dearly. Currently Kotea, one of our high school girls...
Mara Christian
We are getting ready to enter our third year​ at MCA!!! Truly incredible that time has passed by so quickly. We ended last year with 133 kids and looks as though we will reach around 170 this coming year! We are almost completely finished with the school and have finished the computer room/library and the dining hall. We stiill need...

Our last safari

WHO ARE THE SAWYERS? Click below to find out.